Here’s a great, versatile recipe that’s packed full of tons of veg and beans, making it a really healthy, filling meal that is sure to leave you feeling satisfied, especially in those colder, winter months. Not only is it really easy to make, but the basic ingredients also make it a really affordable meal that still packs in tons of flavour.
When making this recipe don’t be afraid to mix up the ingredients a bit depending on what you have in the fridge. In the true spirit of what minestrone soup is all about – using the ingredients that you have at hand – you can easily leave out a few of the vegetables listed here, or switch them for something else, so don’t be afraid to experiment. Additionally, whilst many traditional recipes include pasta, this is also completely optional. So, whilst this recipe is a great starting point, feel free to adjust it to fit the tastes and preferences of yourself and of those who you’re cooking for.

Ingredients (serves 6)
1 large white onion
400g potatoes
3 large carrots
3 garlic cloves
5 tbsp tomato puree
3 tsp dried oregano
2 tsp dried thyme
1 tin chopped tomatoes
1 tin kidney beans
1 tin butter beans
750ml vegetable stock
A generous handful of fresh basil
150g dried pasta (optional)
salt & pepper
Begin by peeling the potatoes and chopping them into small, 1-2 cm cubes.
Next, do the same for the carrots, but this time chopping them more finely so that they are roughly half the size of the potato cubes. Transfer both to a large bowl and set to one side.
Heat a tablespoon of olive oil in a large, deep pot. Peel and finely chop the onions, and add the pot, along with the garlic (peeled, and then crushed or finely chopped). Fry together for 5-10 minutes until the onions turn translucent.
Next, add the potatoes and carrots to the pot along with a sprinkling of salt, and fry for a further 10 minutes, stirring throughout.
Add the tomato puree, dried herbs and some black pepper to the pot, mix together and fry for a few minutes to allow the flavours to mix.
Then, drain and wash the beans and add them to the pot, along with the tin of tomatoes and the vegetable stock. Mix together and then leave to simmer with a lid for 15 minutes, or until the potatoes are soft, but not mushy. To avoid the soup sticking to the bottom of the pot, stir the mixture every 5 or so minutes.
If adding the pasta (optional), add this 5 minutes in, and ensure both the pasta and the potatoes are thoroughly cooked before removing the pot from the heat. If the soup becomes too thick, add a splash of warm water until you achieve your desired consistency.
Once the potatoes are soft, wash and finely chop the fresh basil and mix into the soup, retaining a few leaves for garnish.
Before serving, taste and ensure it is sufficiently seasoned, adding any additional salt or pepper as necessary.
Transfer into bowls, garnish with the fresh basil leaves and serve.